Author: Graham GriffinGraham Griffin

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Is Your Discount to Blame for a Higher Bill?

Chances are you’re staring at a shockingly high electricity bill and trying to figure out what went wrong.

If you’re on a usage discount plan, I have bad news: those discounts might cause your billing woes.

The Ugly Truth About Usage Discount Plans

Usage discount plans are a sneaky way for electricity providers to lure customers in with the promise of savings, only to hit them with massive bills when they least expect it.

Here’s how they get you:

The Tiered Pricing Trap

Many usage discount plans have tiered pricing, where you get a low rate for using a certain amount of electricity but a much higher rate if you go above or below that range.

The problem?

Those tiers are often incredibly narrow and unforgiving.

If you use too much or too little, you could be stuck paying that higher rate for all your usage, not just the amount outside the tier.

The Vanishing Discount

Do you know those plans that offer a significant discount if you use a certain amount of electricity?

They don’t tell you that the entire discount disappears if you use even a smidge less than that amount.

Poof, gone. And you’re left paying a high price for all your usage.

The Minimum Usage Fee Fiasco

This one’s a real doozy. Some usage discount plans charge you extra if you don’t use enough electricity.

You read that right – you could be penalized for being too energy-efficient.

Those minimum usage fees can add up fast, leaving you with a much higher bill than you bargained for.

Decoding Your Sky-High Bill

So, how do you know if your usage discount plan is to blame for your high bill? Take a closer look at your statement and ask yourself these questions:

  • Did you fall outside your plan’s usage tiers? If you used more or less electricity than your plan’s discount range, you could pay a much higher rate for all your usage.
  • Did you barely miss out on a discount? If you used 990 kWh on a plan that offers a discount for using 1000 kWh or more, that entire discount is gone, and you’re paying full price.
  • Are you being charged a minimum usage fee? You could be charged extra if your plan has a minimum usage fee and uses less than that amount.

The Solution: Ditch the Discount and Embrace Predictability

If you’re sick of the stress and bill shock that comes with usage discount plans, it’s time to make a change.

Here are some alternatives that can help you save without the headaches:

Fixed-Rate Plans

With a fixed-rate plan, you pay the same price per kilowatt-hour, no matter how much electricity you use.

There are no tiers, discounts, or surprises – just predictable, straightforward pricing.

Time-of-Use Plans

If you can shift your electricity usage to off-peak hours (like nights and weekends), a time-of-use plan could save you money without hitting specific usage targets.

Just be careful, as these plans have other rules you must follow.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

No matter what plan you’re on, using less electricity is always a smart move.

Investing in energy-efficient appliances, upgrading your insulation, and being mindful of your usage can help you save on your bills in the long run.

Need Help Finding a Better Plan? We’ve Got Your Back

I know how overwhelming it can be to try to make sense of all the different electricity plans.

That’s why ComparePower was created – to help Texans like you find the best plan for your needs without all the hassle and confusion.

We can analyze your past usage, crunch the numbers on different plans (including any sneaky fees), and help you find an option that saves you money without the stress of usage discounts.

The Bottom Line

You’re not alone if you’re on a usage discount plan and facing a sky-high electricity bill.

Those discounts can be a trap, leading to massive bills when you least expect it.

But you don’t have to stay stuck in the discount cycle.

By switching to a more straightforward, predictable plan and focusing on energy efficiency, you can take control of your electricity costs and say goodbye to bill shock for good.

Remember – you’ve got the power to choose.

Don’t let usage discounts trip you up on your quest for affordable, stress-free electricity.

Stay informed, stay empowered, and fight against billing frustration.

Next: Shop with Your kWh Usage & Save

Comparing electricity rates based on your home’s specific kWh usage can help you save money on your Texas electricity bill.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Don’t Let Your Electricity Contract Become a Silent Bill Killer

Have you ever opened your electric bill and felt like you were suddenly powering the whole block?

If you’ve experienced that jaw-dropping moment, there’s a good chance an expired contract and its sneaky sidekick, the holdover rate, are to blame.

What Are Holdover Rates (and Why Do They Sting)?

When your fixed-rate electricity contract ends, your power company automatically shifts you to a holdover rate.

It’s usually a variable rate that changes based on the real-time market price.

There is no warning or fanfare – just a quiet switch that can lead to a shocking bill.

Here’s why holdover rates can hurt:

  • Riding the Market Rollercoaster: Since holdover rates are tied to the market, your price can skyrocket when demand is high, like during a scorching Texas summer.
  • Better Safe Than Sorry (for Them): Power companies aren’t sure how much energy they’ll need when folks roll onto holdover rates, so they often charge more to cover their bases. Guess who foots that bill? Yup, you.

Protect your wallet

Don’t let holdover rates sneak up on you – arm yourself with knowledge. Texas Electric Holdover Rates

Spotting Holdover Rates on Your Bill

Don’t wait for a surprise attack on your wallet. Keep an eye out for these holdover rate red flags:

  • Expiration Date: Check your contract for the end date. It might be on your bill, in your original paperwork, or in your online account. Mark your calendar a month before so you can start shopping around.
  • “Variable” or “Month-to-Month”: If these terms appear on your bill, you’re likely in holdover rate territory. Fixed-rate plans will clearly say “fixed.”

Protecting Yourself from Holdover Rate Shock

Good news. With a bit of planning, you can dodge the holdover rate bullet entirely:

  1. Know Your Expiration Date: Find your contract end date and mark it on your calendar, set a phone reminder, or do whatever it takes to remember.
  2. Start Shopping Early: Compare new plans 30-45 days before your contract expires. Don’t just look at price – consider the contract length, renewable energy options, and other factors that matter to you.
  3. Let ComparePower Do the Heavy Lifting: Use a comparison tool like ComparePower to quickly evaluate plans from multiple providers. We’ll help you find the best fit based on your usage patterns and preferences.

Already Stuck on a Holdover Rate? Here’s What to Do

First, breathe. You’re not locked in forever. Here’s your escape plan:

  • Make the Switch: The longer you stay on a holdover rate, the more it’ll cost you. In most cases, you can change power companies in Texas without penalty, so don’t wait!
  • Shop Smart: Don’t just grab the first plan you see. Use a reputable comparison tool to weigh your options and find one that aligns with your energy habits. That way, you can avoid landing back on a holdover rate in the future.

Take Control: Your Action Plan for Affordable Electricity

With the knowledge of holdover rates and the tools to find the best electricity plan for your needs, you’re well on your way to controlling your energy costs.

Remember, the key is to stay proactive. Monitor your contract end date, start shopping early, and use ComparePower to find the perfect plan for your household.

Don’t let expired contracts and holdover rates sneak up on you. Take action today and secure an electricity plan that keeps your bills manageable and your home running smoothly.

The power is yours – now it’s time to use it.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Don’t Let High Energy Bills Burn Through Your Budget

Chances are you’ve found your way here after getting a high electricity bill.

Take a deep breath. You’re in the right place to find solutions and bring those costs back down to earth.

First, your lifestyle might be the culprit behind those budget-busting bills.

From working at home to hosting epic Texas-sized gatherings, our daily habits can sneakily drive up our energy use in many ways.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

This guide discusses some simple, practical strategies for controlling energy consumption and keeping more hard-earned cash in your pocket.

No need to sweat it – these changes are easy to make and won’t force you to give up the things you love.

So, let’s dive in and start saving.

Mastering Your Energy-Saving Habits

One of the best ways to reduce high bills is to incorporate energy savings into your daily routine.

Trust me, it’s easier than you might think. Here are a few simple habits you can start today:

Implementing a “Power Down” Policy

Remember your parents nagging you about turning off the lights when you leave a room?

Well, they were onto something. Make it a habit to switch off lights and electronics when you’re not using them, and get your family on board, too.

It might seem small, but it can add significant savings over time.

Another sneaky energy-sucker?

All those devices that stay plugged in 24/7, even when you’re not using them. We’re talking about phone chargers, toasters, coffee makers—you name it.

Try unplugging them when not in use, or invest in handy power strips to switch off multiple devices simultaneously.

For your newer electronics, poke around in the settings and see if you can turn off any standby modes that keep them drawing power even when they’re “off.”

Efficiency is key

Want to maximize your home’s efficiency? Tame the Energy Vampires in Your Home

Optimizing Laundry and Dishwashing Routines

Laundry and dishes – they’re the chores that never end, right?

But did you know that a few simple tweaks to your routine can help you save energy (and money) without any extra effort?

Try washing full loads whenever possible – it’s more efficient than running a bunch of small loads.

And opt for cold water and regular cycles instead of hot water and heavy-duty settings.

Your clothes and dishes will still get clean, but you’ll use less energy.

And here’s a bonus tip: if you can, skip the dryer and let your clothes air-dry.

The same goes for your dishes—if you have the time, let them air-dry instead of using the heat cycle on your dishwasher.

Your energy bill (and your delicates) will thank you.

Embracing Energy-Efficient Cooking Methods

Do you love to cook up a storm in the kitchen?

There is no need to give up your favorite recipes – rethink how you prepare them.

Instead of cranking up your oven or stovetop, opt for smaller appliances like slow cookers, pressure cookers, or microwaves.

They use a lot less energy, and as a bonus, they won’t heat your whole house in the middle of summer.

When you need your oven, make the most of that heat by cooking multiple dishes.

And resist the urge to peek. Opening the oven door lets all that hot air escape, meaning your oven has to work harder (and use more energy) to get back to temperature.

Adapting Your Work-From-Home Routine

If you’ve joined the ranks of remote workers, you might have noticed a sneaky side effect: higher energy bills.

Don’t panic – there are plenty of ways to keep your costs in check while still crushing it at your home office. Here’s how:

Powering Down (Yes, Again) and Using Natural Light

Remember that “power down” policy we talked about earlier?

It’s just as important in your home office as it is in the rest of your house.

When you clock out for the day, power down your computer, monitor, and other office equipment.

We know it bears repeating because it can make such a big difference in your energy consumption.

And when it comes to lighting, take advantage of natural light whenever you can.

Position your desk near a window, and opt for task lighting (like a desk lamp) instead of harsh overhead lights.

Not only will you save energy, but you might also find that the natural light boosts your mood and productivity.

Optimizing Your Home Office Temperature

When it comes to staying comfortable while you work, it’s all about finding that sweet spot.

In the summer, try bumping your thermostat up to 78°F and using fans to keep the air moving. You might be surprised at how comfortable you can be without blasting the AC.

And in the winter, aim for a cozy 68°F and throw on a soft hoodie or sweater instead of cranking up the heat.

Choosing Energy-Efficient Office Equipment

If it’s time to upgrade your home office setup, look for ENERGY STAR-certified products – they’re designed to use less energy than standard models, so you’ll save money in the long run.

Laptops are usually more energy-efficient than desktop computers, and LED monitors use less power than older LCD screens.

Bonus: You might even be able to write off those upgrades during tax time.

Planning Energy-Conscious Gatherings

Just because you’re trying to save energy doesn’t mean you have to give up hosting killer get-togethers.

You can throw an easy party on your wallet and the planet with a few smart strategies. Here’s how:

Opting for Outdoor Entertaining

When the weather’s nice, take the party outside. Not only will you avoid the temptation to crank up the AC, but you’ll also minimize the need for extra indoor lighting.

I’m not saying you should eat hot wings in 100+ degrees of heat in the middle of summer. Just try to plan around those lovely weather days whenever you can.

There’s something magical about dining under the stars or watching the sunset with your favorite people.

Using Disposable Dishes and Utensils

Do you like to show off your fine cutlery during parties?

Most of us think we maintain a high enough level of sophistication to use real plates and utensils when we have company.

But what happens when you empty your cabinets? I’d guess most of you end up with multiple loads of dishes after a party.

Each extra load means your dishwasher is running overtime and eating up more of your electricity budget.

If you are leaning into energy efficiency, reduce your environmental waste with reusable plates and utensils.

If you want to cut down on those high electricity bills, go disposable whenever you have company over.

You won’t have the fanciest of parties, but at the end of the month, you’ll keep some hard-earned cash in your wallet.

Minimizing Food Waste and Prep

When planning your menu, think about dishes that can be served at room temperature to minimize the need for extra heating or cooling.

Get creative with your leftovers to reduce food waste (and the energy it takes to produce and dispose of it).

Encourage guests to take home extras and challenge yourself to repurpose any extra ingredients into new meals throughout the week.

Making Smart Choices with Your Electricity Plan

I’d bet the last time you thought about your electricity plan was right when you got a high bill.

But the time before that? It was probably when you signed up for it in the first place.

For most of us, our electricity plan is a one-and-done deal that we forget about if our lights stay on. I’m guilty of it, and I write about electricity daily.

But the easiest way to reduce high electricity bills is to match your plan to your lifestyle.

Your perfect electricity plan

Check out How to Ensure You’re Getting the Best Deal to ensure your plan isn’t leaving money on the table.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Energy Consciousness

Switching to an energy-efficient lifestyle might initially seem daunting, but trust us – it’s worth it.

Not only will you see a difference in your monthly bills, but you’ll also be doing your part to create a more sustainable future for Texas.

And who knows? You might even inspire your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once.

Start with a few simple changes that feel manageable for your family and build from there.

And don’t forget to celebrate your progress – every little bit counts.

Didn’t find what you wanted?

Explore everything causing that nasty high bill and what you can do about it at High Electricity Bill

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Why Is My Texas Electricity Bill So Darn High?

We’ve all been there, fellow Texans. You open your electricity bill, hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

And there it is, staring back at you: a number that seems to defy explanation.

How could your energy costs have skyrocketed like this?

First off, take a deep breath. You’re not alone in this struggle.

Countless Texans ask the same question, wondering what they did to deserve such a wallet-walloping bill.

But here’s the thing – it might not be just one factor, but a perfect storm of lifestyle changes and home quirks quietly draining your energy budget.

Working From Home, Texas-Style

Let’s start with the biggie: remote work. Over the past year, many of us swapped our office commutes for home setups.

And while there are definite perks (goodbye, traffic!), there’s also a hidden cost.

Think about it – in the past, our trusty AC units could catch a break during the workday. But now?

They’re working overtime to keep us cool as we toil at home desks. And in a state like Texas, where summer temps can soar into the triple digits, that’s no small task.

Depending on the size of your home and the efficiency of your AC, you could be looking at hundreds of extra kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month.

But it’s not just the AC running up the bill. Every device in your new home office setup, from your computer to your printer to your lighting, adds to the tally.

Even an energy-efficient laptop can tack 25-50 kWh to your monthly usage. It’s the price we pay for the comfort of working in our PJs.

The Phantom Menace

Even when you think your devices are switched off, they might be secretly siphoning power.

It’s a phenomenon known as “phantom load” or “vampire power,” it’s the sneaky culprit behind 5-10% of your home’s energy use.

Think about all the devices you have plugged in 24/7, even when inactive—your TV, cable box, coffee maker, and phone charger.

Each one is quietly sucking up electricity, often without you even realizing it.

And in a state like Texas, where we love our creature comforts and tech gadgets, those phantom loads can add up.

The More, The Merrier (and Costlier)

It’s a simple equation: more people at home equals more energy consumption.

Every additional household member, whether staying with you temporarily or moving in for the long haul, disrupts your usual energy patterns.

Extra folks mean extra showers, dishes to wash, and devices plugged in and charging.

If your college kids are back home for the summer or you’re hosting family for the holidays, don’t be surprised if your electricity bill gives you a little “welcome home” shock.

And let’s not forget a new baby’s joy (and energy drain).

All that extra laundry and the need to keep your home at a comfortable temperature for your little one can deplete your energy budget.

Bigger in Texas (Including Energy Bills)

We Texans are proud of our sprawling homes, but more square footage means more space to heat, cool, and light up.

If you’ve recently upsized your living space, you might be unwittingly upsizing your energy costs.

The same goes for any new smart home devices you’ve added to your abode.

While smart thermostats and lighting systems can undoubtedly help optimize your energy use in the long run, they also require a constant trickle of power to stay connected and responsive.

Seasons Change, and So Do Energy Needs

If there’s one thing predictable about Texas weather, it’s unpredictable.

Our summers are brutally hot, our winters can bring surprising cold snaps, and our poor AC and heating systems must work hard to keep up.

During a scorching Texas summer, it’s not uncommon for household energy consumption to double as the AC kicks into high gear.

And when winter storms barrel through, suddenly, we crank up the heat to stave off the chill.

Even small shifts, like the start and end of Daylight Saving Time, can temporarily bump up your lighting and HVAC needs as your daily rhythm adjusts.

Watt’s Up With Your Appliances?

Take a closer look at the appliances humming away in your home.

How old is your fridge? Your washing machine? Your dishwasher?

If they’re older, they might be consuming a lot more power than their newer, more efficient counterparts.

And how about your cooking habits?

If you use the oven or stove multiple times a day, that can impact your energy usage. Opting for smaller appliances like slow cookers or microwaves when possible can help keep consumption in check.

Your Backyard Oasis (and Its Power Price Tag)

For many Texans, our outdoor spaces are an extension of our homes – but they can also extend our energy consumption.

Features like patio lighting, outdoor kitchens, and pool pumps can sneakily drive up your electricity costs, especially if you’re running them frequently.

A single pool pump, for instance, can consume over 2,000 kWh per year, a significant chunk of the total household energy diet.

Bringing It All Together

So, what does this all mean for you and your sky-high electricity bill? First and foremost, it means you’re not powerless (pun intended).

By understanding the myriad lifestyle factors that can influence your energy consumption, you’re already on the path to making smarter, more mindful choices.

Start by taking stock of your habits and home quirks.

Can you eliminate phantom loads by unplugging devices or using smart power strips?

Can you make minor adjustments to your thermostat settings to ease the burden on your HVAC system?

Could you invest in more efficient appliances or light bulbs over time?

Remember, it’s not about overhauling your entire lifestyle overnight. It’s about being aware of the little things that can add to significant savings.

And most importantly, go easy on yourself.

If your electricity bill is higher than usual, it doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong—it just means you’re human and adapting to a world that looks a little different than it did a few years ago.

So take a deep breath, fellow Texans. We’re in this together.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Slash Your Energy Costs and Save Money with These Simple, Effective Tips

Hey there, are you feeling the pinch of high electricity bills?

Trust me, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with energy-hungry appliances and habits, costing hundreds of dollars in wasted energy each year.

It’s frustrating.

But here’s the good news: by identifying and tackling these “energy vampires,” you can take control of your electricity consumption and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

Let’s dive in and explore some simple, effective strategies to help you save.

Unmasking the Phantom Loads: Finding the Energy Suckers in Your Home

First things first, let’s figure out which appliances are secretly sucking up power, even when you think they’re turned off.

We call these culprits “phantom loads” or “standby power.”

I’m talking about your TV, cable box, gaming console, and computer equipment.

Even when you hit the off button, they can still draw small amounts of power, which adds up over time.

For your newer electronics, look at the settings and see if you can disable standby mode.

Many modern devices have energy-saving features or eco-modes that can help reduce their power consumption when inactive.

Check your device’s settings or peek at the user manual to learn how to turn these features on.

Another helpful tip?

Take a look at all the appliances you have and think about whether you need them.

Do you have an extra fridge in the garage that you barely use? Or an old TV gathering dust in the guest room?

Consider donating or disposing of them. Fewer appliances mean less energy consumption, meaning more money in your pocket.

So, what’s the quick solution? Start by unplugging these devices when you’re not using them.

Initially, it might seem like a hassle, but it can make a big difference in your energy bills over a year. Use power strips constantly if you don’t want to plug and unplug.

You can connect multiple devices to one strip and flip the switch to cut the power to all simultaneously. And there’s an even smarter way that I’ll hit on in a bit.

If you want to save money, consider getting an electricity usage monitor.

These nifty little devices help you pinpoint exactly which appliances use the most energy so you can make smart choices about your energy habits.

You might be surprised to learn that the average household has about 40 devices constantly drawing power, and these vampire devices can account for 5-10% of your total energy use.

That means you could be paying a bill because of extra things plugged in.

Smart Power Strips and Energy-Efficient Appliances: Your Secret Weapons

Now, let’s talk about smart power strips and energy-efficient devices. Smart power strips are a game-changer when it comes to fighting energy vampires.

They can automatically cut power to your devices when they’re not in use by using timers or remote triggers.

Some even come with mobile apps to control your devices from your phone. How cool is that?

Now, when it’s time to replace your old appliances, keep an eye out for the ENERGY STAR label. These certified appliances are the real deal when it comes to energy efficiency.

They often use 10-50% less energy than their non-certified counterparts, which can add to some serious savings on your electricity bill over time.

Let’s break it down:

  • If you’ve got an old fridge, an ENERGY STAR-certified refrigerator can use at least 15% less energy, and an ENERGY STAR freezer can use at least 10% less.
  • Replacing a 10-year-old fridge can save you around $150 over five years.
  • ENERGY STAR dishwashers are a double whammy: They use 12% less energy and 30% less water than standard models. That means savings on both your electricity and water bills!
  • Regarding laundry, ENERGY STAR washing machines use about 25% less energy and 45% less water than regular washers, and ENERGY STAR dryers use about 20% less energy.

Shedding Light on Energy-Efficient Lighting

Let’s talk about lighting.

How many times have you heard that you should switch to LEDs? Did you listen?

If you’re still using those old incandescent bulbs, it’s time to upgrade.

LED bulbs are the way to go. They last up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs and can save you around $225 per year on your electricity bill.

Plus, they emit less heat, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer.

But it’s not just about the type of bulbs you use; it’s also about how you use them.

Instead of relying on overhead lights to illuminate an entire room, try using lamps to light up specific areas.

When you leave a room, turn off the lights. It might seem small, but it can add up over time.

If you want to improve your lighting, consider installing dimmer switches or motion sensors.

Dimmer switches let you adjust the brightness of your lights so you can use just the right amount of light for whatever you’re doing.

On the other hand, motion sensors automatically turn lights on when someone enters a room and off when they leave, so you never have to worry about forgetting to flip the switch.

Small Habits, Big Impact: Easy Ways to Save Energy Every Day

In addition to upgrading your devices and appliances, adopting energy-saving habits can go a long way in reducing your electricity costs.

For example, try using battery packs instead of leaving your devices plugged in and charging 24/7. Unplug your devices to avoid any sneaky energy draw when fully charged.

And here’s a fun fact: most phones only need 2-3 hours of charging, so there’s no need to leave them plugged in overnight.

When running appliances like washing machines and dishwashers, try running full loads, using cold water, and using normal cycles.

Did you know that using cold water can save up to 90% of the energy used by your washing machine?

That’s because most of the energy goes towards heating the water. And if you want to go the extra mile, consider air-drying your dishes and clothes.

A drying rack or clothesline can help you reduce the energy your dryer uses.

Another easy habit to adopt?

Take advantage of natural light whenever possible. Open up those curtains and blinds during the day and let the sunshine in.

It will not only brighten up your space but also help reduce your reliance on artificial lighting.

DIY Home Energy Audit: Hunting Down the Energy Leaks

Now, let’s talk about your home itself. Even if you’re on top of your appliances and habits, your house might be working against you, leaking energy left and right.

That’s where a DIY home energy audit comes in handy. It can help you pinpoint exactly where your home is losing energy so you can make targeted improvements.

Start by checking for air leaks around your windows, doors, and weather stripping.

These leaks can let your expensive conditioned air escape, making your HVAC system work overtime to keep you comfortable.

Seal up any gaps or cracks you find with caulk or weatherstripping. Pay extra attention to your attic, doors, and windows—they account for 50% of air leaks in a typical home.

Next up, look at your insulation, especially in your attic, basement, and exterior walls.

Good insulation keeps your home toasty in the winter and cool in the summer, so your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard.

If your insulation is looking a little worse for wear, consider adding more or replacing it.

Here’s a wild statistic: the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) estimates that around 90% of existing US homes are under-insulated.

Properly insulating your home could reduce your electricity use by 5% and your natural gas use by 10%. That’s huge!

Remember your HVAC system, too. A well-maintained system runs more efficiently and uses less energy to keep you comfortable.

Change your air filters regularly and have your system tuned by a professional at least once a year.

It matters because HVAC systems account for 40-50% of your energy use. That’s a big chunk of your bill, so keeping your system tip-top is crucial.

While you’re at it, take a peek at your thermostat settings.

Adjusting your temperature by just a few degrees (higher in summer, lower in winter) can make a big difference in your energy bills without sacrificing comfort.

Shoot for around 78°F in the summer and 68°F in the winter. By making this simple change, you could save 15% or more on your energy bills.

Depending on your plan and location, you could save 1-3% per degree.

If you want to geek out, consider installing a programmable or smart thermostat.

These bad boys can automatically adjust the temperature when you’re away or asleep, saving you even more energy and money.

Calling in the Pros: The Benefits of a Professional Energy Audit

If you’re ready to improve your energy-saving skills, consider hiring a professional auditor.

These experts have all sorts of cool tools and techniques to give you a super-detailed analysis of your home’s energy use.

They can spot areas where you can improve efficiency and slash your energy bills.

During a professional energy audit, the auditor might use blower door tests and duct blasters to check for air leaks in your home’s envelope and ductwork.

These tests can help pinpoint where your conditioned air might be escaping, allowing you to focus your sealing and insulation efforts where they’ll have the most significant impact.

Fun fact: a blower door test can uncover air leaks that account for 25-40% of your heating and cooling costs. That’s a lot of wasted money!

They might also use thermal imaging cameras to locate heat loss areas in your home, like poorly insulated walls or windows.

By identifying these problem spots, you can prioritize energy-saving upgrades and get the most bang for your buck.

Here’s a breakdown of where heat typically escapes in a home: 25% through the roof and attic, 25% through windows and doors, 35% through walls, and 15% through floors.

After the audit, the professional will provide a detailed report outlining their findings and recommendations for improving your home’s energy efficiency.

This might include suggestions for upgrades like new insulation, energy-efficient windows, or a more efficient HVAC system.

They can even help you implement these upgrades and repairs to ensure your home runs as efficiently.

Finding the Perfect Electricity Plan for Your Home

While making your home more energy-efficient is a massive part of the equation, ensuring you’re on the right electricity plan for your needs is crucial.

That’s where we come in. At ComparePower, we’re committed to helping fellow Texans like you find the best electricity plans for your unique needs.

We’ve helped over five million Texans quickly compare plans from top providers in their area to find the right plan for their homes.

Plus, our service is free, and our team of experts is always ready to help guide you through the process.

Shopping for electricity plans can feel overwhelming, but we promise it doesn’t have to be.

With ComparePower, finding a great plan is as easy as entering your ZIP code and letting us do the heavy lifting to sort everything.

And the best part? You could save money on your electricity bills in just a few clicks.

Pretty sweet, right?

Remember, taming those energy vampires is an ongoing journey, but with ComparePower by your side, you’ll always have a trusted partner to help you navigate the world of Texas electricity.

So start small, stay consistent, and let us help you find the perfect plan for your home.

We can help you save money and energy, one bill at a time.

Now, let’s get you the right plan for your home.

Enter Your Zip Code to Get Started

Next Steps: How to Compare Electricity Plans & Save

Learn to compare rates and choose the right plan to save money.

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Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

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Are Invisible Energy Vampires Siphoning Your Cash?

You’re not alone if you’ve ever opened your electricity bill and felt punched in the gut.

That sinking feeling of wondering where all those hard-earned dollars are going is too common.

But here’s the thing: there’s a good chance your home is secretly infested with energy vampires sucking away your cash without you even realizing it.

Let’s shine a light on these sneaky inefficiencies and take back control of your utility costs.

The Prime Suspect: That Ancient HVAC Dinosaur

Nearly half of their electricity usage for most folks comes from heating and cooling.

So, if your HVAC system is an aging relic (we’re talking 10-15+ years), it could be the biggest culprit behind your shocking bills.

As these units get older, their efficiency plummets.

A prehistoric HVAC dinosaur might guzzle 40% more energy than a modern high-efficiency model.

It gets worse. Leaky ductwork could allow a third of your precious conditioned air to escape before reaching the vents.

Clogged, dirty filters choke airflow and force the system to work overtime.

And if you’re constantly messing with the thermostat, you’re just compounding the waste. It’s an HVAC inefficiency nightmare.

The Hidden Villain: Shoddy Insulation

Want to know a crazy statistic?

90% of U.S. homes are under-insulated. That’s right—most of us are letting our expensive, heated, and cooled air slip away unhindered.

Poor insulation in your attic, walls, or crawlspaces allows heat to flood during summer and escape in winter. Your HVAC has to work itself to the bone trying to keep up, and your energy bills suffer.

Insulation can also degrade over time, getting compressed, moisture-damaged, or even ruined by pests.

Before you know it, it’s like having no insulation at all.

Beefing up your home’s insulation is hands-down one of the smartest ways to score massive long-term savings on energy.

The Sneaky Saboteurs: Drafts and Leaks Galore

Even a well-insulated home can fall victim to stealthy air leaks.

Gaps around windows, doors, fireplaces, outlets, vents – any opening to the outside – can allow your pricey climate-controlled air to seep out while letting exterior air sneak in.

A measly 1/8-inch gap around a window frame can trigger a 10% spike in heating costs. Yikes.

In fact, a super drafty attic alone can cause 25% of your home’s total air leakage.

And get this: windows, doors, and walls team up to let an astonishing 25-35% of your heated or cooled air escape under your nose.

Talk about flushing money down the drain.

The Energy Hogs Hiding in Plain Sight

Listen up: if your trusty appliances are relics from the last millennium, they could be the energy hogs driving your bills through the roof.

Fridges, washers, dryers, dishwashers – if they predate 1997 efficiency standards, they’re likely guzzling 2-3 times more electricity than modern models.

But even with cutting-edge appliances, user errors can lead to appalling waste.

Running half-empty loads in your dishwasher or washing machine means you’re paying to heat all that water for nothing.

And an aging water heater set to unnecessarily high temps?

That’s just asking for an energy bill beatdown.

One more pro-tip: never put appliances in scorching spaces like garages or attics. The extreme heat decimates their efficiency and raises operating costs.

The Invisible Money Pits

Some of the sneakiest energy vampires are hiding in your walls.

Outdated, deteriorating wiring and dubious electrical connections can drain up to 7% of your power as heat before it reaches an outlet. Isn’t that infuriating?

Old drafty windows are double trouble, too—not only do they let in the winter chill, but they also make it nearly impossible to maintain cozy indoor temperatures without your HVAC working overtime.

Watch out for south-facing windows in hot months, as they let in 35% more sunlight heat. Your AC unit weeps at the thought.

And don’t even get me started on incandescent bulbs.

Those antiquated lighting choices are practically dollar-burning heat lamps, wasting 90% of their energy on heat instead of light.

Switching to LEDs can slash your lighting costs by up to 90% in one fell swoop. It’s a no-brainer.

Take Back Control and Slay the Energy Demons

I know this is a lot to process, but don’t throw in the towel yet. The key is to focus on your home’s most significant energy wasters.

Upgrade that wheezing HVAC dinosaur, bolster your insulation barriers, seek and destroy air leaks, and show those electricity-guzzling ancient appliances the door.

Yes, it takes a bit of elbow grease upfront, but the long-term savings are worth it.

You’ll be rewarded with a comfier, more efficient home and a utility bill that won’t make you cringe in terror.

So unleash your inner energy efficiency warrior and slay those sneaky power-suckers individually.

Your wallet (and the planet) will thank you.

Ready to cut down that bill?

Taming the Energy Vampires in Your Home

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Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

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Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Proven Strategies to Safeguard Your Home During Scorching Summers and Frigid Winters

If you’re a Texan, you know that our weather can be pretty crazy. One minute, it’s a scorching summer day, and the next, a frigid winter storm is rolling in.

If you’ve ever opened your electricity bill after a fierce month, you know that extreme temperatures can seriously drain your wallet.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

But here’s the good news: there are plenty of ways to safeguard your home and your bank account from the ravages of Texas weather.

Whether you want to lower your monthly bills or make your home more comfortable year-round, these tips can help.

Prep Your Home for Anything

The first step to saving money on your energy bills is ensuring your home is ready for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. That means doing things like:

  • Upgrading your insulation to keep the heat (or cold) out
  • Sealing any cracks or leaks around your windows and doors
  • Maintaining your HVAC system to keep it running efficiently
  • Trimming any trees that could damage your home during a storm

It might seem like a lot of work upfront, but trust me, it’s worth it. A well-prepared home can help you stay comfortable and keep your energy bills in check, no matter what the weather’s doing outside.

Switch Up Your Habits with the Seasons

As the seasons change, so should your energy-saving strategies. In the summer, try things like:

  • Using fans to help cool your home instead of relying solely on your AC
  • Keeping your blinds or curtains closed during the hottest part of the day
  • Grilling outside instead of using your oven or stove

And when winter comes around, you can:

  • Open your curtains during the day to let in some natural heat from the sun
  • Use draft stoppers to prevent cold air from seeping in under your doors
  • Layer up with warm clothing instead of cranking up the heat

Little changes like these can add up to significant savings on your energy bills.

Put Your Yard to Work

Did you know that proper landscaping can help lower your energy costs?

It’s true. Planting trees on the sunny side of your home can provide much-needed shade in the summer, while a well-placed windbreak can shield your home from cold winter gusts.

To take things to the next level, consider xeriscaping with native, drought-resistant plants. You will save money on your water bills and have a beautiful, low-maintenance yard that can withstand even the harshest Texas weather.

Harness the Power of the Sun

If you’re ready to invest seriously in your home’s energy efficiency, consider going solar.

Installing solar panels can help you generate clean, renewable energy, translating to significant savings on your electricity bills.

With plenty of sunny days in Texas, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to use those panels.

Shop Around for the Best Electricity Plan

Speaking of electricity plans, it’s always a good idea to shop around and ensure you get the best deal.

Look for plans that offer incentives for using energy during off-peak hours or have low solar buyback rates if you have panels on your roof.

And don’t be afraid to switch things up if your plan isn’t working. Just be sure to read the fine print and watch out for any hidden fees or charges.

Get Help When You Need It

If you struggle to keep up with your electricity bills, know you’re not alone. There are plenty of energy assistance programs out there that can help, including:

  • The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
  • The Lite Up Texas Program
  • The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Contact your local utility company or social services office to learn more about these programs and see if you qualify.

Need help with that bill?

Get Assistance Paying Your Electricity Bill

The Bottom Line

Living in Texas means dealing with some pretty wild weather, but that doesn’t mean you must let it wreck your budget.

By making a few simple changes around your home and being smart about your energy use, you can keep your bills in check and your home comfortable all year.

So don’t let those crazy temperature swings get you down. With some preparation and know-how, you can weather any storm that comes your way – literally and figuratively.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

The Weather’s Costly Grip on Your Texas Electricity Bill

If you’ve lived here for any time, you know our weather is plain wild.

Scorching summer days where you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, followed by bone-chilling winter storms that have us scrambling for layers – it’s a cycle as predictable as your electricity bill spiking with each extreme.

And believe me, those spikes can burn a hole in your pocket.

Let’s examine how Texas’ bipolar weather swings impact the price we pay to keep the lights on and the AC humming.

The Scorching Summers of Texas

Ah, summer in Texas – an actual test of survival when temps blast past 100°F.

With everyone cranking the AC to Arctic levels, our electricity demand skyrockets. Just look at July 2018, when we hit a record peak of over 73,000 megawatts, pushing the grid to its limits.

For folks on variable energy plans directly tied to market rates, electricity bills are doubling or even tripling compared to milder months.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) often operates at total capacity during these sizzling stretches, underscoring the immense strain on our energy resources.

The hotter it gets, the more those utility costs burn.

Old Man Winter’s Icy Grip

Most Texas winters are pretty mild, but when an Arctic blast like 2021’s Winter Storm Uri arrives, we feel it – and not just the chill, but the financial pain, too.

As temperatures plummeted and we huddled for warmth, the electricity grid was overwhelmed, leading to widespread outages.

Those who kept power were slapped with astronomical bills reaching the thousands for a month.

It was a harsh reminder that extreme cold can freeze our wallets just as much as blistering heat.

When Storms and Droughts Leave Their Mark

It’s not just temperature extremes that are hitting our hip pockets. Major hurricanes like Harvey in 2017 leave devastation in their wake, requiring costly repairs and upgrades for damaged electricity infrastructure.

The recovery efforts, partially funded by higher utility rates, showcase how these storms have a lingering economic impact that extends well beyond the initial cleanup.

Droughts are more subtle culprits – like the severe one in 2011 that hampered hydroelectric power generation, forcing greater reliance on pricier fossil fuels that get passed along to consumers.

Keeping An Eye on Climate Change’s Rising Costs

With climate change steadily intensifying, Texas faces even more weather whiplash: hotter summers, colder winter blasts, and super-charged storms.

A trend towards warmer temperatures and increasingly volatile weather patterns suggests that the impact of weather on our electricity bills will only worsen.

Sadly, this doesn’t bode well for our electricity costs, which are likely to see wilder spikes as these meteorological extremes stress our power grid more in the years ahead.

Protecting Yourself from Weather’s Wallet Wallop

So, what can you do to safeguard your finances from the unpredictable nature of Texas weather?

One smart move is to explore fixed-rate electricity plans, which can provide stability amidst the chaos.

You can also invest in energy-efficient home upgrades, like better insulation or a smart thermostat, to help minimize the impact of extreme temps on your bills.

Ready to cut weather out of the equation?

Check out this helpful guide: Weathering the Storm: How to Protect Your Wallet from Texas’ Extreme Weather

The Bottom Line

So there you have it—a crash course on how Texas’ schizophrenic weather affects electricity bills.

From summer scorchers to arctic freak-outs, hurricane havoc, and drought-driven price hikes, keeping our homes comfortable comes at an increasingly unpredictable cost as these extreme conditions squeeze our power resources and wallets.

While policymakers and regulators grapple with long-term solutions, all we Texans can do for now is brace for impact and keep a wary eye on those utility statements amid our state’s wildly variable climate.

Understanding this complex relationship between weather and energy costs is crucial for everyone – from the folks in charge to the average Joe just trying to keep the lights on.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Discover the Perfect Storm of Factors Driving Up Your Energy Costs

Are you tired of nearly fainting every time you open your electricity bill?

Trust me, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, wondering how our energy costs could have skyrocketed so much.

But here’s the thing: it’s not just one culprit but a sneaky combination of factors that could be draining your energy budget.

Let’s dive in and uncover the shocking truth together.

Is Texas Weather Wreaking Havoc on Your Bills?

Texas weather is notorious for its extremes; those wild temperature swings can dramatically impact your electricity bills.

Understanding how the weather affects your energy consumption is the first step in taking control of your costs.

Here are some key ways the weather could be driving up your bills:

  • Scorching summers forcing your AC to work overtime
  • Frigid winters send your heating costs through the roof
  • Hurricanes and droughts leave a lasting mark on energy prices

Is Your Home an Undercover Energy Vampire?

Even if you’re vigilant about your energy consumption, your home itself could be working against you.

Hidden inefficiencies can silently drain your energy budget without you even realizing it. Identifying and addressing these issues is crucial to keeping your bills in check.

Watch out for these typical home energy vampires:

  • Ancient HVAC systems guzzling electricity like there’s no tomorrow
  • Shoddy insulation lets your precious cool or warm air escape
  • Outdated appliances and drafty windows silently sabotage your budget

Are Your Daily Habits Secretly Spiking Your Energy Costs?

Your daily habits and lifestyle choices affect your electricity costs more than you might think.

Knowing how your actions impact energy consumption can help you make smarter, more cost-effective decisions.

Here are some lifestyle factors that could be inflating your bills:

  • Working from home and blasting the AC all day
  • Hosting extra family members or spending more time in your backyard oasis
  • Leaving electronics plugged in 24/7 and falling prey to phantom loads

Exploring Other Reasons for High Electricity Bills

While weather, home inefficiencies, and lifestyle changes are common culprits behind sky-high electricity bills, they’re not the only factors at play.

Not convinced? Check out these other causes of high electricity bills or get help paying yours:

Is your plan helping or hurting your budget?

Why Your Electricity Plan May Be Causing High Bills

Take Control of Your Energy Budget (One Small Change at a Time)

Knowing how weather, home inefficiencies, and lifestyle changes can drive up your electricity costs, you’re already on the path to a more energy-efficient future.

Remember, every little bit counts; even minor adjustments can add significant savings over time.

So don’t let the shock of your Texas electricity bills paralyze you – use it as a catalyst for positive change.

With the right mindset, tools, and information, you can take control of your energy consumption and start enjoying a more comfortable, affordable home life.

Let’s tackle this together, one small change at a time.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.

ComparePower 57500 5-Star Ratings Reviews

Any product or company names, marks, or logos shown on this page are the property of their respective owners. ComparePower is an unaffiliated, independent marketplace. Get unbiased, accurate information backed by our commitment to editorial integrity.

Uncover the Secrets of Your Electricity Bill (and Save Some Serious Cash)

Hey there, I know that sinking feeling when you open up a sky-high electricity bill.

Your heart races, your palms sweat, and a million anxious thoughts start swirling.

What the heck happened? Is this for real?

First off, take a deep breath. We’ve all been there, and you’re not alone.

High bills can happen for various reasons, and they’re not always as dire as they seem at first glance.

But I get it – that doesn’t make the sticker shock any less awful.

The good news is that there are ways to investigate your billing mystery and dispute any funny business.

And I’m here to walk you through it, step by step.

Welcome to your crash course on auditing the hell out of your electricity bill.

We’ll dig into the nitty gritty of your statements and usage to puzzle out what’s going on.

So grab your latest bill, a calculator, and maybe a soothing beverage. We will do this together, and by the end, you’ll feel way more in control of your electricity costs.

Sound good? Fantastic. Take a deep breath, and let’s dive in…

Preparing for Your Audit

Electricity bills can be complex, with various charges and terms that may seem confusing at first glance.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the key sections of your bill: 

Summary of Charges: This section provides an overview of the total amount due, including energy charges, delivery charges, taxes, and other fees.

bill summary

Detailed Usage: Here, you’ll find information about your electricity consumption during the billing period, usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).

bill usage

Rate Information: This section details the price per kWh you’re charged for electricity, which may vary depending on your plan. 

bill rate

No idea what you are looking at?

Check out How to Read Your Electricity Bill to get up to speed

Gathering Necessary Documents

A thorough audit requires a bit of legwork to collect: 

Past Electricity Bills: You’ll want to have a bare minimum of 12 months of past bills on hand to dive into the problem. 

It’s even better if you have a full two years of bills to get a sense of year-over-year change. 

You should be able to access these on your electricity company’s account portal or by digging through your old mail. 

Electricity Contract: Get a hold of your Electricity Facts Label (EFL) and your Terms of Service (TOS). Digital copies should be available in your account portal, or your electricity company may mail you a copy. 

These contain all the details about the fees your electricity company can charge you.

Your Usage: The last and most important is your historical electricity usage data. 

I know it sounds scary, but if you have your bills, you already have this data right in front of you.

And if, for some reason, your bill doesn’t make your usage obvious

Hop onto Smart Meter Texas

Setting Up Your Audit Workspace

Now that you have all your docs in one place, it’s time to set up your workspace for the audit. I recommend using a spreadsheet app like Excel or Google Sheets. 

If you’re more of the old-school type, you can do this all by hand. Regardless of what tools you use, the more organized you are, the easier it is to spot any issues with your bills.

Here’s a list of helpful tools you’ll want: 

  • Spreadsheet 
  • Calculator 
  • Notepad and pen 

Whether using a spreadsheet or handwriting, I recommend setting up a table like the screenshot below to organize your work. 

audit excel 2

With your audit workspace ready and your documents at hand, you’re well-prepped to dive into the details of your electricity bill.

Step 1: Fill In Your Data 

All right, here comes the fun part. Your first step is to go through your bills line by line and fill out the spreadsheet. 

The most important columns are kWh Usage, Cost per kWh, and Total Charges. 

These will give you an overview of where your bill is currently. Here’s what mine looks like now all filled in:

excel audit usage

Now, to address a few elephants before we dive into what we’re looking at here:

1. If you check my copy’s math, you’ll notice things don’t add up. I’ve left out the taxes that add around four to five dollars a month to keep the Other Fees/Credits column cleaner, and to be honest, I didn’t want to do the extra math.

I’d highly recommend you include those small charges to be as thorough as possible.

2. You’ll notice that in October 2023, there was a big credit on my bill, and I only paid $22.07 for electricity that month. That was very nice, but I had already paid that money.

The credit is my initial deposit to start the plan, being refunded after 12 months of service. You must figure out what is happening if you encounter anything unusual like this.

Now, let’s dive into our analysis.

Step 2: Check for Usage Jumps

Alright, let’s start digging into your bills. We first want to look at any patterns or trends in your monthly electricity usage. 

Doing this analysis gives you a better understanding of how much power you typically use and what factors may be causing spikes. 

Looking at my example usage, you’ll see that my apartment used 733 kWh on the low end of things and hit a peak of 1,576 kWh in August 2023. 

peak trough audit

The main reason to check for trends is to identify any anomalies or months where your usage was high compared to the norm. 

You’ll see from mine that January of this year had a big spike in usage. Those are the months we want to dig into. 

Big spikes could signal an issue like a malfunctioning appliance sucking up way more electricity than it should. 

Or maybe a billing error charged you for too much usage that month. 

Seasonal Patterns 

Before we discuss the anomalies on your bill, I want to address seasonal patterns quickly. 

Texas has pretty consistent seasonal patterns regarding usage. Most summers, think June through August. Your usage will jump as it gets hot outside. 

Then, after we make it through the fall, assuming we get some fall weather, our cold winters will also drive up your usage as you heat your home. 

Any time in between, you’ll see lower usage when the weather is mild. The important thing to remember here is that you want to “normalize” your billing data based on the season. 

Expect it to be higher in the summer and winter, but it shouldn’t exceed what you usually see. 

If you see massive spikes in the summer or winter, that could indicate: 

  • Your heating system is inefficient and driving up costs 
  • You have poor insulation, leading to heated/cooled air leaking out 
  • There could be issues with your thermostat settings 
  • Or maybe you’re just cranking electric space heaters on 

Here’s what summers and winters look like for my apartment. 

summer winter audit

Year-Over-Year Changes

In addition to checking monthly and seasonal weirdness, look at how your total annual usage changes from one year to the next. 

Did it jump up a lot after doing a significant home renovation that increased your square footage?  

Or did your usage drop after upgrading to new energy-efficient appliances and windows?  

Identify what lifestyle changes correlate to the increases or decreases you see. 

Heads up – if your provider raised rates one year, your annual costs could be higher even if usage stayed flat. 

If you’re on a fixed-rate contract, they would’ve sent you a renewal letter to sign before this could take effect. 

And if you just signed one, that might be why you got a high bill. 

So, keep an eye on the cost per kWh to distinguish legitimate usage changes from pure pricing hikes. 

Unexplained Anomalies

Circling back to those weird individual monthly spikes – if you can’t point to any specific reasons, like heat waves, new appliances, etc., to explain them, that could indicate: 

  • A faulty appliance or HVAC system undergoing a repair issue and running way less efficiently 
  • Potential problems with your electrical wiring, meters, or utility service  
  • Errors in the meter reading or billing calculations resulting in overcharges 

Those types of anomalies are where being detailed with this analysis pays off. Please don’t ignore them! 

We’ll discuss diagnosing those a little further down the page. But first, you’re probably wondering about that crazy January bill I got. 

jan anomaly

If you’re sitting there connecting the dots, thinking that almost $400 seems nuts for an apartment electricity bill, I’m right there with you. 

I checked everything I could think of, going through our steps here. And unfortunately, the answer is boring. 

Check my usage that month. I used over 2,100 kWh monthly, while most apartments use more than 500 kWh. 

Guess what? I was working from home for almost a week since I was sick.

I ran my desktop, multiple monitors, laptop, TV, had my iPad plugged in, and pretty much anything else in my apartment that uses electricity. 

My wife took a day or two off work to hang out with me. If you remember, it was dang cold in January, and my apartment uses electric heat. 

So, I think it’s pretty clear why my usage was so high and I got a high bill. I used a lot of electricity and had to pay for it. 

Not all high bills mean you have to worry. Here are some common reasons legit usage spikes may happen that aren’t necessarily cause for concern:

  • Heat wave or cold snap making your heating/cooling work overtime 
  • Having more house guests than usual 
  • Running extra equipment like portable heaters or dehumidifiers 
  • New energy-hungry appliances like a hot tub or electric vehicle charger 

Step 3: Evaluate Your Usage

If you’re still reading, I’m guessing we haven’t pinpointed exactly what’s going on with your bill. 

We checked for trends and got a high-level view of your usage patterns. But what if the usage you got charged for wasn’t what you used? 

It sounds crazy, but it happens occasionally, and the best way to check is to verify the usage on your bill with your Smart Meter data. 

The reason this is so important? 

Your monthly usage and how much you pay for it are the two biggest factors affecting your bill. 

You want to ensure that no misreadings, billing errors, or efficiency issues artificially inflate that number. 

Smart Meter Data

Most Texas homes, apartments, and commercial buildings have smart meters installed that can be accessed anytime. 

The best part is that these smart meters let you get granular when analyzing your usage. If you want to dig in down to 15-minute intervals, you can. 

This gives you the most precise picture of how and when you use electricity.

Plus, you can double-check to ensure your electricity company charges you for something you’re not using. 

Accessing the Data

There are two options for how you access data from your smart meter.

First, we will use the data from your electricity company. 

That’s the data you see on your bill, so if we want to double-check that data, we should probably consider the second option. 

Door number two leads us to Smart Meter Texas, where you can make an account. 

With your bills in hand, it’s easy to access and analyze the data. If you’re unsure what you’re doing, check the link above for a walkthrough on setting up your account and digging in. 

You’ll see monthly, daily, and 15-minute interval data from there. 

smt graph

Evaluate What You See 

Now, it’s time to check and see if your electricity company is billing you fairly. Double-check the usage column on your spreadsheet or table for each month. 

See if it matches what you were charged for on your bill. The two should match exactly or be very close. 

If not, there could be an issue with the meter reporting incorrect readings, or your company is getting estimations instead of actual data. 

Understanding Billing Cycles

Quick side note here. It’s important to understand that bills don’t necessarily cover full calendar months of usage. 

Utility companies read meters, and providers cycle bills on their schedules every 28-32 days. 

So your “March” bill may include a few days from late February and early April if that’s when the meter readings happened. 

Don’t assume the billing period covers the complete 3/1 – 3/31 unless you verify the exact meter read dates. 

No Smart Meter? No Problem

If you don’t have a smart meter or can’t access that data for some reason, don’t worry. You can still manually record meter readings yourself each month. 

Most electric meters have an easy-to-read digital display that cycles between showing the latest reading and other meter information. Make a habit of writing that number down on the same day every month. 

Then, compare your recorded readings to the “meter read” line on your utility bills. If they don’t match up, there could have been an error. 

Potential Discrepancies

So what if you go through all this effort verifying meter readings, and the totals still don’t quite match the kWh usage on your bill? It’s time to put on your detective hat and dig in.

Possible reasons could include: 

  • Misaligned bill cycle dating that needs to be checked 
  • Errors or gaps in smart meter data reporting 
  • Mistakes by meter readers or providers estimating usage incorrectly 
  • Issues with your meter itself requiring testing/calibration 

Don’t panic if minor discrepancies exist in the 1-2% range. That can happen. But if you’re seeing variances over 5% with no good explanation, you’ll want to take that up with your electric company. 

Do More With Your Data

Beyond verifying the total, reviewing the hourly/daily breakdowns lets you see your patterns of when you use the most electricity. 

Is there a big spike in the evenings when everyone gets home? Or does usage ramp up more in the afternoon when summer heat maxes out? 

Identifying those peak times can help target where to focus efficiency efforts.

Like adjusting thermostat schedules, running appliances overnight, or upgrading to more efficient models of those energy hogs. 

Remember that, in rare cases, smart meters can have reporting glitches and miss recording data. 

If you see straight zeros for certain days/times when you know the home wasn’t vacant, it’s worth double-checking that those periods didn’t get underreported.

Step 4: Check the Cost per kWh

Your usage trends are mapped out; check. Cross-referenced billed usage and your smart meter data, check. 

Next up is checking if you’re being charged the correct rate on your monthly bills. 

Why check rates? Remember, the cost per kWh is one of the biggest line items that affect your bill. 

You want to make sure the rate charged matches what’s laid out in your contract.  

Otherwise, even a tiny overcharge on the rate will be multiplied across all your usage, and you’ll be ripped off. 

Fixed vs. Variable Rates 

If you’re like most Texans and have a fixed rate, it should be pretty straightforward to double-check the rate listed on your bill and compare it to the rate on your EFL. 

I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t note here that the rate you see on that EFL isn’t precisely what you end up paying. 

Your EFL lays out the “calculation” for the rate you should be paying. The frustrating part is that it usually means what you pay for 500 kWh isn’t the same as what you pay for 1,500 kWh. 

You’ll need to do some math to determine how your rate is calculated.

The general rule of thumb is that your bill will show what you were charged for your usage, so it should be relatively straightforward to check the math. 

For those living wild with a variable-rate plan, you’ll likely need to check your company’s website or historical rate notices to find the accurate rate for each billing cycle month. 

Either way, make a note of that rate for each monthly bill. 

Verifying the Charges

In your spreadsheet, calculate the supply charge portion of each monthly bill based on the appropriate rate and your total kWh usage. So, for example: 

  • July 2022 Usage: 1200 kWh  
  • Contracted Rate: $0.098 per kWh 
  • Expected Supply Charge: 1200 kWh x $0.098 = $117.60 

Then, compare your calculated expected charge to what was billed on that month’s statement’s supply or energy portion. 

If the amount billed is higher than expected, it could indicate that you were overcharged on rates for that month. 

Rate Overcharges 

Any significant overcharges on supply rates are worth disputing with your provider. The impact can increase over 12 months, so don’t let it slide. 

For instance, you were billed at $0.11 per kWh instead of the $0.098 contracted rate. 

That’s just a $0.012 difference multiplied by 1000 kWh monthly usage.

You overpaid $12 for that one billing cycle alone. 

Now, add that up for every month of the year. That’s over $200 down the drain you could’ve used for something else. 

Prorated Rates 

One scenario that can confuse you is when providers calculate bills with prorated rates for partial months if meter readings don’t align with your billing cycle dates. 

For example, maybe your July bill was: 

  • 15 days at $0.10/kWh  
  • 16 days at $0.12/kWh 

This results in a blended average rate that might look higher than your fixed contract price but is technically correct based on the calendar proration. 

Just be aware of potential situations like that when investigating rates. 

One Final Caveat on Rates 

The last thing I want to mention about the electricity rate side is that I am only covering what I would call straightforward plans here. 

Straightforward plans don’t include anything like bill credits or time-of-use discounts like free nights and weekends. 

If you are on a plan with bill credits or time-of-use discounts, the rate you pay can jump wildly depending on whether you are getting those discounts. 

That means you could get a discount and a reasonable rate one month, and the next, you could miss out on it and be stuck with a high bill. 

If you have one of these plans, I highly recommend diving into our Calculating the True Cost of Any Texas Electricity Plan page I mentioned. 

It covers the details of calculating the costs of these types of plans alongside the exact formulas you’ll need.

Step 5: Check Other Charges on Your Bill 

The fifth and final step you’ll want to take is going through all the other charges on your bill. 

Things like: 

  • Delivery/TDSP fees from your utility 
  • Metering charges or monthly base fees 
  • State taxes and utility assessments 
  • Any miscellaneous “other” charges 

These other line items can contain incorrect calculations, fees that violate your contract terms, or charges for which you don’t understand the justification. 

Double-check these charges with your contract’s current TDU fees and the TOS doc.  

Identifying and disputing those can lead to significant savings as well. 

Delivery Charges 

For delivery charges (TDSP, TDU, or transmission fees), you should look up the approved rates for your specific utility and delivery area. 

Remember that they can change twice yearly, so you might see a change on your bill when updated. 

Calculate the delivery charge based on your monthly kWh usage and compare it to what’s on your bill. 

Anything weird may be an overcharge worth disputing. 

Fixed Fees 

Whether it’s a flat monthly charge, metering fee, minimum usage fee, or anything else – verify that any fixed recurring fees match what’s listed as allowable in your contract’s EFL and TOS documents. 

Taxes & Other Charges 

For taxes and other percentage-based charges like utility assessments, validate that the percentage rates and calculations based on your usage are accurate. 

Check that sales tax is being applied correctly to only the energy supply and delivery charges, not duplicated on top of taxes already included. Identify any erroneous charges you can’t find defined. 

When in doubt, have your provider explain each charge line by line and substantiate it with your contract details. 

Don’t let ambiguous “other charges” slide if you don’t get a clear justification. 

Auditing, Disputing & Savings 

And there you have it – you’ve audited your electricity bills like a forensic accountant. 

You’ll uncover anything wrong with your bill by analyzing historical trends, verifying meter readings, checking rates, and scrutinizing every line-item charge. 

You can dispute with evidence and get corrections or credits issued from there. 

Over time, mastering this process puts you in control of your monthly electricity costs. Any savings might not seem massive monthly, but they can add up over a year. 

More importantly, the power is yours to hold your electric providers accountable to the agreed-upon rates and terms. 


How do I read my electricity bill? 

Start by locating these key sections:  

  • Summary of total charges for the period 
  • Meter usage readings in kWh   
  • Detailed line items like energy supply charges, delivery fees, taxes   
  • Rate/plan details showing price per kWh

No idea what you are looking at?

Check out How to Read Your Electricity Bill to get up to speed

What should I do if I find discrepancies on my bill?

First, validate any suspected errors by checking rate/fee details against your contract terms. Gather evidence like calculations and past bills for reference.

Contact your provider and politely request an explanation or correction. If that doesn’t work, file a formal complaint with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). 

How can I reduce my electricity bill?

Give these a try to cut down your electricity costs:

  • Implement energy efficiency upgrades like insulation, weatherization, and new appliances. 
  • Choose an electricity plan optimized for your usage patterns and rates. 
  • Practice energy-saving habits with programmable thermostats when you use electricity. 
  • Consider renewable energy options like green plans or solar. 

Is switching electricity plans worth the effort?

If your usage patterns or household situation has changed, switching plans can save hundreds per year by better aligning with your needs. 

But factor in any termination fees from your current contract against potential savings. Sometimes, waiting for your contract term to end makes more sense.

Support You Can Count On

Do you have more questions or need help finding the right plan for your household? Our local experts are here to help.

Contact us today, and let us guide you through finding an electricity plan that meets your needs and budget.

With our personalized recommendations and transparent pricing, you can shop with confidence and take control of your energy costs.